30x20 Pro Booth 9 - Custom 14 Ft Pop Up Backlit Towers Tension Fabric Backdrop Wall, Self-Build Exhibition Kit Open Floor for Tables Chairs Products Cars Trucks Equipment
Product Details
What's Pro Booth 9?
* Gigantic 14' H pillar towers attract attention, tower above your competition.
* Optional LED backlighting in 14' pillars
* Back and Side backdrop walls
* Pro-Monitor Banner option to mount monitors
* Huge open space for your products and meeting customers.
* Rich vivid fabric graphics can be updated, re-using the hardware
* Made from snap-together aluminum tubes and high-resolution stretch fabric graphic.
* Free shipping
Pro Booth 9 is designed for a 30' W x 20' D booth space, total height of 14'. Allow 2 weeks for production (1 week with Rush) followed by shipping.
Pro Booths can have their graphic skins updated for future event. Re-use your frame hardware and get a set of new graphic prints for a fraction of the cost of a complete set of hardware and graphics. Please email so we can look up your previous Pro Booth order details.
Backlit Complete Display Contents (Includes Framework, internal LED lighting and power supplies, and Graphic Prints):
- 2x 14' H Backlit Pillar, retail $3574/each
- 1x 20' W Back Wall, retail $2054
- 1x 10' W Side Wall, retail $1034
LED lighting (internal to both 2x Backlit Pillars) and power supplies.
- Storage/carry bags
- 3D mockup proof
Non-backlit Complete Display Contents (Includes Framework and Graphic Print):
- 2x 14' H Pillar, retail $2974/each
- 1x 20' W Back Wall, retail $2054
- 1x 10' W Side Wall, retail $1034
- Storage/carry bags
Graphic Print-Only Contents (Includes Graphic Prints only, re-use your existing Framework):
- 2x Graphic Print-only for 14' H Pillar
- 1x Graphic Print-only for 20' W Back Wall
- 1x Graphic Print-only for 10' W Side Wall
Recommended options:
- 1-4x Large Trade Show Counter with Storage, package price: $399/ea.
- 1-4x Pro-Monitor Banner to mount monitors, $399/ea, retail $150/ea
- 4-8x High-power LED Display lights on Back Wall and Side Wall, $71.55/ea, retail $139/ea
- Double-sided printing on the Back Wall for $199, and to the Side Wall for $99.
- Please email to add-on options that are not selectable on the right.
Dimensions and weight:
- Pillars : approximately 4' W x 4' D x 14' H (120 cm W x 120 cm D x 420 cm H)
- Back Wall: approximately 20' W x 7.5' H (600 cm W x 230 cm H)
- Side Wall: approximately 10' W x 7.5' H (300 cm W x 230 cm H)
- Total weight including hardware and printed graphics, about 196 lbs (89kg)
- This package has custom-made hardware and graphics. Please note the production time.
- Add Pro-Monitor Banners to mount monitors on the Back Wall or Side Wall. 1-4x recommended. Max monitor weight 50 lbs (23 kg). Pro-Monitor Banners can be placed anywhere along either wall.
- The Pillar towers have printing on all 4 sides and top.
- Order the LED Backlit configuration now to back light the towers. Backlighting cannot be added later after production starts.
- The Back Wall and Side Wall are single-sided, back side is white. We recommend adding printing on the back side (double-sided) if there is an aisle behind your Back Wall or Side Wall.
- Chairs and meeting tables not included and shown as a suggested layout.
- Counters shown as an example are not included. Please add 1-4x Large Trade Show Counter with Storage, package price: $399/ea.
- The Quick Start Guide can be downloaded here.
Easy to install High-intensity LED lighting

Graphic specifications and blank templates
For your graphic designer:
Please download the layered blank templates here.
After placing your order, please upload your files to the Upload link at the top of the site.
3D views